Sunday 10 November 2013

Genesee River, New York,USA:

Genesee River, New York,USA:

The Genesee River is an American river flowing northward through the Twin Tiers of Pennsylvania and New York. The river provided the original power for the Rochester area's 19th century mills and still provides hydroelectric power for downtown Rochester.The Genesee is the remaining western branch of a preglacial system, with rock layers tilted an average of 40 feet (12 m) per mile. It begins in the Allegheny Plateau conglomerate, sandstone, and shale rocks of the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian subperiods. The river also often exposes older rocks such as shales (some rich in hydrocarbons), siltstones and some limestones of the Devonian period at Letchworth[specify] and, at a canyon with three more Niagara Escarpment waterfalls at Rochester, limestones and shales of Silurian age.
The preglacial eastern branch of the Genesee runs south of Mount Morris and was completely diverted by extensive terminal moraines just south of Dansville, so most of the upper section[clarification needed] was diverted toward the Susquehanna River system. Now only a small creek flows in what is left of this large valley.
The Seneca nation traditionally lived between the Genesee River and Canandaigua Lake.
If "not for hydropower, the flour mills, clothing mills, and tool fabricators would not have located in Rochester",[3] and the 1825 Erie Canal allowed the mills to ship products to New York City. A few hundred feet north of the center of the village of Rochester, the Erie Canal crossed the Genesee River via a 1823 stone aqueduct (802 feet (244 m) long, 17 feet (5.2 m) wide), which was replaced by the 1842 Erie Canal: Second Genesee Aqueduct.
Most of New York west of the Genesee River was part of the Holland Purchase after the American Revolution. The river demarcates the "Genesee Country" of New York to the west[citation needed] and the Finger Lakes geographic region to the east.
On Friday, November 13, 1829 (Friday the 13th), the daredevil Sam Patch jumped to his death before 8,000 spectators at the Upper Falls in Rochester.

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