Friday 12 July 2013

Tatshenshini River,Colombia:

Tatshenshini River,Colombia:

The Tatshenshini River  is a river in the southwestern Yukon and the northwestern corner of British Columbia. It originates in British Columbia, near Haines Highway. It flows north into Yukon, then it turns west and south before it returns into British Columbia, where it flows through the Tatshenshini-Alsek Provincial Wilderness Park. There it joins the Alsek River, which then flows in the Pacific Ocean in Alaska. It is a very popular river for wilderness rafting trips.Although this river was used as a vital trade route by First Nations, in particular the coastal Tlingit people, the first Europeans to travel the present-day Tatshenshini River were Jack Dalton and Edward Glave in 1890, accompanied by two native guides. Prior to 1891, the present-day Tatshenshini River was considered to be the upper Alsek River.  In or about 1891, the present-day Tatshenshini River (pre-1891 upper Alsek River) was assigned the name Tatshenshini by the Canadian government, and the pre-1891 lower Kaskawulsh River became the present-day upper Alsek River.

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