Tuesday 7 January 2014

Boynton Canyon,Arizona:

Boynton Canyon,Arizona

Boynton Canyon is one of the most scenic of the box canyons that make Arizona Red Rock Country so famous. This particular trail enjoys the additional advantage of being conveniently accessible to nearby towns on well paved roads. As you might suspect, that is both good and bad news for those who choose to come here. The good news is you don't have to bounce down a dusty jeep track to get to the trailhead. The bad news is you may have more company than you hoped for when you arrive.

Boynton Canyon always has been popular for its outstanding scenery. Lately it has become even more so, since it developed a reputation as a site of a New Age "vortex" - a sort of energy field emanating from inner earth. Whether or not you subscribe to this bit of modern mysticism, you'll no doubt agree that some sort of magic exists here among the towering buttes, crimson cliffs, and natural desert gardens.

The trail starts out by skirting a luxury resort that was recently built here. It quickly returns to the canyon floor where the walking is pleasant and easy. As you hike, take note of the variety of plants that live in this rather harsh environment, and keep an eye out for the area's plentiful wildlife which includes everything from colorful songbirds to bristling, shy whitetail deer.
See also: Deadmans Pass Trail and Long Canyon Trail.

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