Tuesday 20 August 2013

Birch Forest ,Karelia, Finland:

Birch Forest ,Karelia, Finland:

In Finland one of the most important trees is the birch tree, unlike the pine trees with their constant presence the birch tree flows with the natural life and death cycles. The birch was the earliest tree to recolonize the land after the ice age and is seen as a symbol of rebirth, springtime, regeneration and purification. The name birch is thought to have derived from the Sanskrit bhurga meaning 'a tree whose bark is used for writing upon'. Indeed during the war many letters were sent using the bark as both the letter and the envelope. The bark also has great waterproof qualities and must be removed or at least split if you wish to use the wood for firewood but was invaluable for making canoes. The name is also connected with the Anglo Saxon beorgan which means 'to protect or shelter' and is thought to come from its uses in boat building and roofing. Other descriptions for the tree are 'Mother of the Forest', 'The Tree of Venus' and the 'Lady of the Woods'. As you can see it has a very powerful feminine quality to it and is a traditional tree of healing. In the spring I collect sap from the birch trees as it rises back up to deliver power, energy and valuable nutrients to produce the leaves. The sap can also be made into syrup much the same as maple syrup but not so sweet. I just drink it fresh, like a living water, for the life force energy and the calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, sodium and iron. It is also diuretic. As soon as the leaves start to appear the sap will cease to run. The removal of some sap does no harm to the trees.



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